Today Chris and I are celebrating our 9 year wedding anniversary. Can I believe it's been 9 years? No. Did I think we would last this long? Absolutely! I knew early on into our relationship that he was "the one" and I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him. And I still can. That man still gives me butterflys in my stomach! He is the one I want to grow old with. He is my best friend, and an awesome daddy to our children. I love him more than I could ever tell him.
Happy Anniversary Chris! I love you!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The love of my life
Posted by Wise Girl at 12:13 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Busy week!
First things I'm writing this, my son, Owen is listening to my iPod. He is obviously trying to figure out how it works. He stares at the screen, and then his little fingers follow the cord to the ear buds. Funny....I can almost see the wheels turning in his head! :)
I NEED to listen to music while I'm cleaning, or I go crazy. Music makes cleaning a little more fun, a little more entertaining, and helps me burn a few extra calories while I dance away while sweeping the floor! So I was just cleaning and decided to take a break, but one of my favorite songs was playing (Everlong by Foo Fighters) so I kept listening. Owen asked if he could listen to my music. So I shared.
So it's only Weds. but boy, what a week so far!! I spent Monday cleaning the house (yay...). Yesterday was full of drama. Today was busy cleaning more and I have to work tonight. Tomorrow is Cole's first day of 1st grade and my 9 year wedding anniversary. Friday...well, I'm not sure what Friday will hold, but I'm sure something will happen.
And since this is MY blog, I have the freedom to vent all of my feelings. Be warned, when I'm mad I have the tendency to swear! :)
To the ignorant bitch (I'm not putting names in here!):
Don't think your shit doesn't stink. You are exactly what you called my mother! You may live in a big fancy house and drive an expensive car, but that DOES NOT make you a better person! You are white trash under all the material stuff! Karma is a bitch, and you will get yours! Oh, you have "health issues"....seriously, does that give you the right to be a nasty cunt to people?? Maybe you are getting a little of what you deserve! What goes around comes back around!! Oh, and another thing....lay off the tanning already! Your face looks like a damn prune!! Good luck if you try to take my mom to court....we have SOOOOO much on you, the judge will probably laugh in your fake-ass face!!
Posted by Wise Girl at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Hairy Situation
Well, along with being a total germaphobe, I have this thing about hair. I really don't like it all that much. I get really grossed out easily by hair. Yep, hair. I will play with MY hair, no problem. I can deal with my kids hair (I especially LOVE Ella baby's fuzzies!), and my husband's hair as well, as long as it is attached. I get grossed out with hair that has fallen out. Uh-huh, I know it's a bit strange, but it is what it is. I can't stand when hair is on my clothes or anything else I have to touch. You wanna see me get really weirded out? Let me see a fallen body know like a chest hair, or the absolute worst: a pubic hair! EWWW!!! Now before the comments start flowing, yes I am totally aware that hair loss is a completely normal and healthy part of the hair growth cycle. But it doesn't mean I have to like it! Furthermore, I am SO thankful that my husband is not a hairy man. He would be having wax treatments or something! I am so repulsed when I see guys with thick dark hair covering their bodies. UGH! Hair just grosses me out!
That all being said....I'm at a serious loss. I mean with my hair. I'm sure any Mommy will be able to understand what I'm talking about here. Ella is 4 1/2 months old. My hormone levels are dropping back to "normal." And I'm loosing my hair. BIG TIME! When I wake in the morning, my pillow looks as if a chemo patient has slept on it--hair everywhere! The worst is when I brush my hair or shampoo it. It's ridiculous! Again, I know this is completely normal and it happened after I had the boys too, but I'm SOOOOO ready for it to be over! (as I pull ANOTHER hair off my shirt!)
Posted by Wise Girl at 11:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Weekend getaway
We went to the mountains this past weekend to "Pappy's Cabin." The boys love it up there. They can run free, play in dirt, and have lots of s'mores...what's not to love?!
Ella baby gave us a hard time at night with sleeping. I think she knew she was out of her element and it just didn't fly with her. Otherwise, she was her great little baby self! :)
Got to ride on B & Amber's 4wheelers for the first time in a year. I had the thing flat out going down the lane....but then got freaked out by the thought of "what if a deer decides to run out in front of me" and slowed down.
We watched skunks fight and a gray fox join the mix, but otherwise didn't see much wildlife. The kids were too noisy!
All in all, it was a great weekend! :)
Posted by Wise Girl at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: Pappy's Cabin
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ok, so here's the thing: I'm a total germaphobe! I wasn't always this way, but over the years, it has gotten way worse. I think the peak of it began when I had my first son.
Cole was born shortly after 9/11, when everyone was still on edge, anthrax was being found in mail, and the flu season was coming in full swing. The nurses at the hospital warned me to keep him at home as much as possible, and be sure any visitors washed their hands well. I was totally freaked out, and we didn't go anywhere with the exception of Thanksgiving at the inlaws, and Dr. visits. My son didn't have a single cold/virus/infection until he was 10 months old, a week after I stopped nursing him. That first little cold was very minor, just a runny nose and mild big deal. But then...
I needed to grab some things from my favorite store (I say that with absolute sarcasm!), WalMart. So I stick Cole (who was then 14 mos. old) in the shopping cart, and away we go. Less than a week later, I'm sitting with my baby in the Pediatric unit of the hospital. Cole got rotavirus. A nasty bug that made him poop and puke SO much that he got severely dehydrated. It was horrible!
So fast forward to my current life. I wash my hands more times than I can count in a day. I only use anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners. I wipe things like door handles, light switches, the phone, tv remote, and my computer keypad with Clorox wipes. I have Purell or the equivilant with me at all times. Yeah, it's the one OCD thing I have. There is nothing worse than being sick or dealing with a sick child, knowing most colds/viruses/infections can be prevented.
Now I have a 4 month old baby girl and here is my announcement to the world:
So here's my rule: If I know you, you are welcome to hold her, and touch her with my permission and AFTER you have washed your hands! Otherwise KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF!! :)
Posted by Wise Girl at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Posted by Wise Girl at 6:55 AM 0 comments