My baby girl will be one year old in less than 2 weeks. She is walking--truly walking, from one room to the next, without holding onto anything or anyone. When she makes eye contact with anyone, she squeals in delight, because she knows she's pretty cool. She walks around like a mini Frankenstein--arms stretched out in front of her for balance.
We've started cutting out one of her most prized possessions: the "ba-ba". Girlfriend LOVES her ba-ba, but it's gotta go! What a break our wallet will have when we stop buying formula! The only problem so far is she doesn't seem to care for the taste of regular milk. If it comes down to it, I will gladly buy her a different form of milk--whether it be soy, or almond, or whatever. Anything to keep the little princess happy--but no more formula! So I figured while we cut out the formula, we might as well cut out the ba-ba's too. Milk in sippy cups only.
Chris is worried about her having her "nuk," but I figured if we can get rid of it by age 3, we are good to go. Right now Ella is cutting her 2 top front teeth, so there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to take the nuk away from her right now! Those things have been a blessing!
We are in the midst of planning her first birthday bash. We are doing a general princess theme--because Ella is certainly the princess in this house!
Last night Chris said he hopes her big blue eyes change color, because if they stay so big and so beautifully blue, he will never be able to say "no" to her! :) I agree. That girl looks at you, and she melts your heart....