Monday, December 29, 2008

post-Christmas blahs

Well, it's Monday and the kids have off school for their "winter break." The school can no longer call the break "Christmas break" because that would be oh-so unPC. whatever. At any rate, the kids have off until January 5th, by which time I'm sure to have gray hair...if I have any left by that point!

We had a great Christmas. It was fun watching Ella attempting to open gifts...only so she could try to taste the wrapping paper and bows! We did our routine Christmas Eve of setting out a plate of cookies and a cup of milk for Santa, as well as putting reindeer food outside. The boys gave us a Christmas gift and did not wake us before 8am, a true treat! Cole was awake before the sun rose, but decided to play the wii until the rest of us got out of bed. Christmas morning was possibly the best we've had since we had the kids because we didn't have to rush to the in-laws in the morning. It was so nice to be able to spend the time and open our gifts, and have the kids actually be able to play with their stuff before getting ready to go. We went to Chris' grandparent's for dinner, and for the first year ever, we didn't exchange gifts. Sweet....I'll save that issue for another post, another time. All in all, it was a wonderful day!

We are now looking forward to celebrating the New Year! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's today, it's today!!

Yay! Daddy comes home tonight!!!

You'd think he's been gone a month the way my kids and I are counting down the hours until Daddy (aka my husband!) comes home! We really love him! :)

I'm trying (not very successfully....) to get this house cleaned before he arrives. I got the bathroom cleaned and EWW! what a chore that was! A major to-do crossed off my list! Ella took a short nap, and Owen fell asleep in the living room surrounded by a billion Legos. I'm not kidding about that approximate count of the number of Legos currently on the living room floor! I ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher. Yay me, another one off the list! I packed up the excess Christmas stuff and put away Fall decorations, so now they need to make their way back to the basement. Oh yeah, and I ate lunch and (*gasp!*) BREAKFAST!!! Hey, cookie crisp counts as breakfast! ;)

Monday, December 8, 2008

I hate being alone...

Seriously. This is the THIRD mountains/hunting trip my husband has taken in the past 4 weeks. Jerk. I think he uses hunting as an excuse for a mini-vacation away from the kids. Maybe I need to learn how to hunt!
I can't sleep without him. Weird, I know. And we aren't the clingy, snuggly, all over each other type in bed while sleeping, but it's the presence and knowing he's there. Not only do I miss him, but I miss his help w/the kids as well. I would not make it as a single parent....I'd probably go postal on someone.
Cole has been really giving me a hard time about going to school, and has not been behaving at school as well. His issues began last week. Who knows what's up the kid's butt, but he needs to get rid of it asap!
Owen has been giving me a hard time about wearing a coat. He likes to be cold he tells me. But then he gets cold and whines like a baby about how cold he is. Duh.
Ella has just been a fuss-bucket today. Earlier while I was trying to cook dinner, she was sitting on the floor in the kitchen with me fake crying. Girlfriend knows how to push my buttons already. And she's only 8mos old.
Yep, it's time for my man to come home. One more long day....he'll be home tomorrow around 9ish.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Guess it's been a little while since my last post! Hey, this momma's been busy! I got 3 a husband! Lord knows they don't take care of themselves! ;)
Anyway....I'm hoping I can post daily, but I'm not making any promises.

Well, here's what's been going on at the Wise's:
~Cole turned 7!! We threw him a super-fun pirate birthday party bash here at the house, complete with a homemade pirate ship cake that turned out pretty darn sweet! Argh! :)
~Ella has totally mastered sitting up by herself and is also trying to crawl....any day now!
~I painted the entire kitchen with help from Chris who painted the dining room area. The only thing left to paint on our first level is the mudroom (1/2 done) and the wall that goes up the stairs. Now we desperately need some stuff to put on the walls!! I'm very happy with the way it all looks though!
~The kids have passed around what seems to be the same damn cold since the beginning of October, and now it has finally hit me. It's not bad, just a super annoying cough!!
~We've watched the Polar Express movie about 27 times, and December has only begun!
~I've gotten some Christmas shopping done! :)

More later....