Yay! Daddy comes home tonight!!!
You'd think he's been gone a month the way my kids and I are counting down the hours until Daddy (aka my husband!) comes home! We really love him! :)
I'm trying (not very successfully....) to get this house cleaned before he arrives. I got the bathroom cleaned and EWW! what a chore that was! A major to-do crossed off my list! Ella took a short nap, and Owen fell asleep in the living room surrounded by a billion Legos. I'm not kidding about that approximate count of the number of Legos currently on the living room floor! I ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher. Yay me, another one off the list! I packed up the excess Christmas stuff and put away Fall decorations, so now they need to make their way back to the basement. Oh yeah, and I ate lunch and (*gasp!*) BREAKFAST!!! Hey, cookie crisp counts as breakfast! ;)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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