Thursday, October 9, 2008

feeling: accomplished

Well....sorta. Now that Rae's wedding is over and I'm no longer stressing over favors and stuff, I took the time to update my business website. Talk about looooonnnnggg overdue!! I'm not 100% finished with it, but it's at least updated with the new fall and winter scents. I just got a HUGE fundraiser order in for a Girl Scout troop, so I will be busy cookin' up some candles within the next few weeks. And by that time it will be Halloween....still need to work on Owen and Ella's costumes! And then 2 weeks after that is Chris and Cole's birthday.....gotta do some party planning. Then it's Thanksgiving and soon after that is Christmas. Seriously? Where did this year go?!?!
Ella girl turned 6 months old yesterday (*sob*). I'm feeling accomplished by the fact that she's now 6 months old, and still nursing. I've struggled on and off with the idea of switching her to formula, but I haven't done it yet. I don't have any real reasons except for my own....selfish, I know....
Anyway, check out the updated website, and gimme some feedback. Good or bad, I want to know!! :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


My sister's wedding. Yep. That sure sums it all up. Beautiful.


The colors my sister chose for our bridesmaid dresses.

The church decorations.

The music they chose.

My sister's wedding dress.

All of us bridesmaids.

My hair, makeup, and nails.

Ella in her dress, complete with baby bracelet and flower crown.

The slideshow they created.

The sparkle in my sister's eyes.

The love between Rae and Ryan that is so strong you can simply feel it.

The entire event....simply beautiful!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Random Thoughts Post...

Well, I borrowed a Bumbo seat from a Mommy for Ella baby. The Bumbo seat is for infants who can support their own head/neck (check), but who can not yet sit unassisted (check). The seat is sorta funny looking, but soft and cushy. So I give the seat a quick wipe-down with a Lysol wipe (yeah, my OCD...) and stick the girl in it. Within about 3.2 minutes, Girlfriend has come thisclose to wiggling her way out of it. Damn!
All the while looking at me with those BIG blue eyes and a goofy grin on her face. Oh I love this girl! :)

Owen has had some serious behavior issues. He is driving me crazy. Anyone who says anything about the "terrible twos" must have put their kid up for adoption before the child turned 3 or 4. I swear, these are the hardest years!! The boy is a bear! When he's not acting totally stubborn, he acts totally helpless, like a baby. And following directions? Yeah, it's like talking to a friggin brick wall! Grr....! }:(

Chris won the HOA Board Member position. By a vote of 17-15. Thanks to our neighbors who gave a proxy vote! My husband is very anxious to get some serious stuff done around here!
Our 1st Annual Block Party is next weekend. I hope the weather holds out for us!!!!

In other news, my one and only little sister is getting married this weekend. I am her Matron of Honor. I'm excited for this event, as well as being able to get dressed up (my dress is BEAUTIFUL!), get my hair and nails did, you know...the works! But at the same time, it's a little bittersweet. I HELD THIS GIRL WHEN SHE WAS FIRST BORN!!!! And now she's getting married! It's crazy! Pics will be posted after the wedding! :)

And finally in Political news:
This is script of a new Obama radio ad......I love it!
"Well, the Iraqi government is finally spending some of its $79 billion surplus from oil," an announcer says. "A surplus that has grown with the record high oil prices we pay. Where’s the money going? A Ferris wheel. It’s true -- the Iraqi government is going to build a 650-foot Ferris wheel with air-conditioned cars, right in the heart of Baghdad. It’s enough to make your head spin.
"John McCain wants America to keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq when we should be rebuilding America. That’s right. With banks failing because of Washington’s lax oversight, gas prices soaring, and jobs moving overseas. John McCain will keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq.
"After years of Bush-McCain policies taking us for a ride, we just can’t afford more of the same."

Amen brother, Amen!