Well, I've been working on making a 101 things in 1001 days list. I got inspired by some other people, and I think it's an awesome idea. My problem? I'm not getting very far on the list. Maybe I should make #1 on the list completing the list!
The amazing thing, is that I told Chris about the list and he didn't laugh at me. He actually thought it was a cool idea. So we are dividing the list in half (minus 1) and coming up with a list of stuff that we both want to accomplish--even if the items are geared more towards personal goal. The point is, we hope to get stuff done! So hopefully we can complete the list this week, so we can begin to cross items off the list!
Be on the lookout for the list to post in the near future!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
I had a hard time finishing my lists too. I went to the dayzero website and read over a lot of lists to find some motivation. It also took me a good month to come up with mine. Take your time and make it mean something to you. I'll be excited to see your list.
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