Friday, January 30, 2009

My week in numbers

32: pages in a book that Cole read to me on Monday. Of course it was a Spongebob book....

4: times I tried (unsuccessfully) to text Chris while he was in New York on Tuesday for work. I have no idea what that was about. Thankfully he has a BlackBerry and got my email message instead.

20: minutes to remove the snow and ice from the van and the driveway so we could go to Target on Wednesday.

14: times the boys asked to go sledding....before it was even noon.

48: minutes the boys went sledding w/the neighbors before I had to pull them in cause I was freezing!

100: dollar gift card I got from work....WOOHOO! (our store won a contest)

1758: times I've wiped poor Ella's snotty nose during the past week.

102: degree fever Ella had Thursday night.

3: hours of sleep I got Thursday night....while holding a sick baby.

13: minutes on the phone w/the nurse at the Pediatrician

2: ear infections my Princess was diagnosed with at the Drs.

10: days of antibiotics for her.

9: loads of laundry to do. *yawn*