Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a new year!

And my husband has announced that we will be following an EXTREMELY strict budget (thank you, Dave Ramsey!). I asked him if that meant no beach trip this year. Nope, not gonna happen. I almost cried. Seriously.
I'm going to beg him (at a later date) to at least make a weekend trip to OCNJ or something. This girl's gotta have her toes in the sand and ocean at least once a year, or I might truly die! Plus, this year will mark our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm pretty sure we should celebrate the occasion at the beach!!! :)
Anyway, he then announced that if we follow his strict budget for the year, we will not only go to the beach next year, but we will take a trip to Disney as well. Ok, the man def. made my ears perk up! I've never been to Disney, and have been wanting to go since we got married. Now that we have 3 kids, I REALLY want to go!
So, I have a strong feeling that part of the strict budget includes me working more. Let me just say that I do enjoy going to work. My job is kinda fun, my co-workers are cool, and I get to interact with adults--some of who are very interesting to say the least! The only thing that I don't like about working, is that I miss my baby. She's about to turn 9 months old, and is learning new things everyday! Just this week she learned how to crawl! I would have been beyond devastated if I would have missed that precious moment! I'm worried that I'll be working when she takes her first step, or says her first real word (besides the baby babble she's currently chatting). I tried telling Chris that I have a good part of the rest of my life to make a few bucks, but those first moments with Ella we will never get back. Plus, not only is she my baby girl that I dreamed I'd have since Chris and I first started dating, but she's my LAST baby. And I cherish every second of her. So I'm torn. I want to work more hours to get some extra income to help out paying off bills so we can have a blast next year, but at the same time I don't want to leave my baby girl's side for fear I'm going to miss something important.
I think we need to start playing the lottery....