Friday, January 23, 2009

My week in numbers

1: days Cole has slept in later than me. If only he'd do it on a weekend!

23.5: Pounds Ella currently weighs!

3: days the boys had school this week. They both had off Monday for MLK day, and Cole had off today for a teacher in-service day.

3,596: Rice Krispies I've vacuumed up off my floors. Ella is learning to self-feed, but sometimes they just don't make it into her mouth!

97: The percentile Ella is in for her weight.

19: times Cole has asked to play the Wii today alone. Also the number of times I've told him no, we will play tonight after dinner.

60: dollars raised for the March of Dimes walk I'm participating in!

8: days since Ella fell in love with her pacifiers.

100: tokens used at Chuck E. Cheese

7: loads of laundry I'm currently working on.

48: total minutes spent on hold with Verizon before speaking with a live person for less than 5 minutes.

70: degrees in my house, yet I still feel cold.

131: dollars in the bank account until next Friday. Thank you, Dave Ramsey for making my life miserable!