Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Hairy Situation

Well, along with being a total germaphobe, I have this thing about hair. I really don't like it all that much. I get really grossed out easily by hair. Yep, hair. I will play with MY hair, no problem. I can deal with my kids hair (I especially LOVE Ella baby's fuzzies!), and my husband's hair as well, as long as it is attached. I get grossed out with hair that has fallen out. Uh-huh, I know it's a bit strange, but it is what it is. I can't stand when hair is on my clothes or anything else I have to touch. You wanna see me get really weirded out? Let me see a fallen body know like a chest hair, or the absolute worst: a pubic hair! EWWW!!! Now before the comments start flowing, yes I am totally aware that hair loss is a completely normal and healthy part of the hair growth cycle. But it doesn't mean I have to like it! Furthermore, I am SO thankful that my husband is not a hairy man. He would be having wax treatments or something! I am so repulsed when I see guys with thick dark hair covering their bodies. UGH! Hair just grosses me out!

That all being said....I'm at a serious loss. I mean with my hair. I'm sure any Mommy will be able to understand what I'm talking about here. Ella is 4 1/2 months old. My hormone levels are dropping back to "normal." And I'm loosing my hair. BIG TIME! When I wake in the morning, my pillow looks as if a chemo patient has slept on it--hair everywhere! The worst is when I brush my hair or shampoo it. It's ridiculous! Again, I know this is completely normal and it happened after I had the boys too, but I'm SOOOOO ready for it to be over! (as I pull ANOTHER hair off my shirt!)


Laura said...

Ew. Me too! The bathroom floor is my least favorite place in the house! and don't even get me started on the hair in the drains... Blech!!!