Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ok, so here's the thing: I'm a total germaphobe! I wasn't always this way, but over the years, it has gotten way worse. I think the peak of it began when I had my first son.
Cole was born shortly after 9/11, when everyone was still on edge, anthrax was being found in mail, and the flu season was coming in full swing. The nurses at the hospital warned me to keep him at home as much as possible, and be sure any visitors washed their hands well. I was totally freaked out, and we didn't go anywhere with the exception of Thanksgiving at the inlaws, and Dr. visits. My son didn't have a single cold/virus/infection until he was 10 months old, a week after I stopped nursing him. That first little cold was very minor, just a runny nose and mild big deal. But then...
I needed to grab some things from my favorite store (I say that with absolute sarcasm!), WalMart. So I stick Cole (who was then 14 mos. old) in the shopping cart, and away we go. Less than a week later, I'm sitting with my baby in the Pediatric unit of the hospital. Cole got rotavirus. A nasty bug that made him poop and puke SO much that he got severely dehydrated. It was horrible!

So fast forward to my current life. I wash my hands more times than I can count in a day. I only use anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners. I wipe things like door handles, light switches, the phone, tv remote, and my computer keypad with Clorox wipes. I have Purell or the equivilant with me at all times. Yeah, it's the one OCD thing I have. There is nothing worse than being sick or dealing with a sick child, knowing most colds/viruses/infections can be prevented.

Now I have a 4 month old baby girl and here is my announcement to the world:

Yeah, I know she is totally adorable but why do absolute STRANGERS feel the need to touch her!?!? Seriously, HANDS OFF!!! Don't touch my baby's hands, because she puts her hands in her mouth, and I don't know where your hands have been! And don't touch her face, cause her mouth is located on her face! I just don't get it! I love babies as much as any other sane person, but I have NEVER touched a stranger's baby, no matter how cute they are! EWW!! For example, the other day at Olive Garden, we were getting ready to leave and Ella started to fuss. Before I can even stand up from the table, an employee and some old lady (not an employee) were hovering over us, touching Ella's hands! Ella continued to cry, and I finally asked if they would move so I could get up from the table! GRR!!! Now lets think about it. The employee has been touching dirty dishes that people just ate from, as well as money (we all know where that's been!) and now she goes and touches my baby's hand! The old lady was just sitting near us playing with her hair (a whole other issue I'll need to blog about in the future...) and eating/licking her fingers, and now she goes and plays with my baby's hand too! UGH!!

So here's my rule: If I know you, you are welcome to hold her, and touch her with my permission and AFTER you have washed your hands! Otherwise KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF!! :)